So today I had pay a visit to a direct sales company SNE, just right after I am free from my office.
After leaving my office, I went to meet Sienlee my housemate at 7pm, and we took off to there (direct sales) after diner. Am I a direct seller? NO!!! I'm quite a anti direct sales person. :p and no, not even Amway or whatever-way.
Basically, I found out that this company SNE somewhere in Ampang is just another direct sales company that do ........
Besides from some funny funny speech giving, they also sing some couraging song. Everyone seems so happy there singing together, they hopping they clapping they shake each other hands!! :D
I started to think that maybe song can brain wash people perhaps? No? Then explain to me why there is always a sing songs section for most of the direct sales or christian activity? Opppsss.. no offense to christian out there, I don't say christian people do brain wash too. Did I?
And yes! The direct sales company activity today, they are just like another christian activity, which talks about jesus and ends with singing songs, I mean...... in their own way, like telling you how good is their products, you have to be more active in selling, be more motivated and then ends with singing songs. :)
I see most of them, the victims are aunties and uncles there, people who are at least at the age of 40 ++. I bet they're just too bored so they came there for the jokes and singing songs. So happy! :)
I don't say that every direct sales are lie or money cheating. I'm just saying some common Direct Sales company that do crap. I never say that Christian are lie either, but it just me I don't believe in them, I'm the son of satan anyway.
Yes I'm the son of Satan, as one of my old schoolmate once told me that, for people who are not christian are the Satan worshipper. So am I. xD
Hey, sometimes I really think that SOME of the christian are too sensitive over their GOD ok? I don't care if you called me the son of satan or whatever. I'm still a free thinker. I don't care bluekkkk!
Lastly, I reach home at about 11pm and I'm tired like a dog! Luckily I'm not brain washed either by direct sales or christian. Damn! I had no time to play computer games and I guess its time to say goodnight again! :(
Night everybody!!!!!!!!!!!
Bed oh my bed! <3